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The question after the cars in the city, I wrote 0 and it crashed XD

I am sorry, this crash ruined you experience and might I add: your believe in humanity. I would love to blame integers in general, but as of now I can't replicate the error. Can you say with certainty, your PC doesn't just hate zeros?

whatever I type it crash, must be a problem on my side

That is very strange indeed. Especially because the game doesn't use what you typed in the sligthest. Theoretically you can just not write anything

Wow.... just wow.... where do I even start. This game has literally changed my life for the better, I can't believe how good a concept this truly is. Literally brings tears to my eyes. 9.5 out of 10. Docking one point because you mispelled "inherently". Nevertheless, keep it up sport!

-Lorelius Hogglefart

Thank you for the praise. I need you to believe me, that I normally know how to spell inherently. I don't know what came over me with this grave mistake :D

Enjoyed this, well done!

Thanks a lot :)